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Microtechs Blog

Microtechs has been serving the Mill Valley area since 2007, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What Exactly Do We Offer as a Managed Service Provider?

What Exactly Do We Offer as a Managed Service Provider?

When we call ourselves a managed service provider (MSP), it still isn’t common knowledge what we mean by that. Perhaps the simplest way to describe our role is to call us an outsourced IT support provider, but even this definition falls short of the value we can offer. To remedy this, we wanted to review what one of our clients expects (and rightly so) to receive from a partnership with us.

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Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Prioritizing cybersecurity is mandatory for all business owners, but many don’t know where to start. As a result, many businesses deal with cybersecurity issues that can put them behind and even ruin a good thing. In today’s blog, we provide a guide that explains the basics of cybersecurity for anyone to follow.

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The Department of Homeland Security Outlines the Responsible Use of AI

The Department of Homeland Security Outlines the Responsible Use of AI

Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is using AI to improve its ability to keep Americans safe. 

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Tip of the Week: Router Placement for Best Wi-Fi Signal

Tip of the Week: Router Placement for Best Wi-Fi Signal

For any organization that depends on its wireless network, your router is a critical piece of hardware that does more than you may realize. From broadcasting wireless Internet signals to protecting your network from harm, knowing exactly what to do with your router is good knowledge to have. Today, we’ll go through some of the things you should know about your router that will allow you to improve your organization's Wi-Fi significantly.

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Modern Technology Is a Game Changer for the Professional Services Industry

Modern Technology Is a Game Changer for the Professional Services Industry

The modern business landscape is fueled, in large part, by something we refer to as professional services. This typically includes any business model with trained professionals at the center of the business. In today’s economy, this can include tradesmen, but typically, it means consultants, lawyers, agents, and other professionals essential to moving business forward. Today, we thought we would briefly go into some of the technologies that professional services depend on. 

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4 Software Tools That Can Keep You on the Right Track

4 Software Tools That Can Keep You on the Right Track

When you run a business, it’s often hard to know what to do. There are several strategies that you could potentially implement for every single part of your business. When things go right, you look like a genius; when things go horribly wrong, you can look like a fool. In this blog, we plan on outlining some things that every business owner should do to improve their business.

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5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

There are plenty of reasons why you might have employees working while out and about on travel, whether it’s for conferences, professional development sessions, or otherwise. Traveling with technology can be stressful and dangerous, though, particularly if you aren’t taking preventative measures. Today, we want to discuss what you can do to keep your entire team’s technology safe while they are traveling.

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How to Obtain Secure and Reliable File Sharing

How to Obtain Secure and Reliable File Sharing

Getting your organization’s file-sharing policies and procedures right can make the difference between efficient, collaborative operations and inefficient and cost-wasting ones. This can get tricky, however. In today’s blog, we’ll go through some of the best practices your organization can implement to get the most out of its file sharing.

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SMBs Can Benefit from Managed IT Services

SMBs Can Benefit from Managed IT Services

You would be hard-pressed to find anything more important to a company’s success than information technology. Today, we want to cover five of the most important tools modern businesses can use to improve operations and engage in commonly known and standardized best practices.

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Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

It’s hard to tell people that “we are under attack” all the time and actually mean it. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the more you tell people they are under threats that don’t actually affect them, the more distrust or even disdain develops for the issuer of these revelations. Second, people will never actually understand that they are under threat until something happens that proves to them that they need to be more careful. 

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How You Can Leverage Technology for Greater Sustainability

How You Can Leverage Technology for Greater Sustainability

The definition of sustainability, according to the United Nations, is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Originally coined in 1987, this definition has fueled businesses' efforts to work toward their own versions of sustainability, as per their service models. Let’s look at some ways you can make your own operations more sustainable.

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Explaining Zero Trust Policies

Explaining Zero Trust Policies

With the threat landscape littered with companies that don’t take their IT security seriously, it's hardly surprising that many are embracing what's known as a zero-trust policy to fortify their security measures. What exactly does zero-trust entail, and why does it prove so formidable in thwarting potential risks for your enterprise? Let's delve into this topic in today's blog post.

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How to Adjust Your IT Infrastructure as You Change Office Spaces

How to Adjust Your IT Infrastructure as You Change Office Spaces

One sure sign of a healthy business is that it is growing—possibly to the point that your office space seems less and less spacious. Time to move!

But not so fast: what about your IT infrastructure? Are you prepared to move it? How does one even begin to do that?

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You Need to Address Your Employees’ Cybersecurity Knowledge

You Need to Address Your Employees’ Cybersecurity Knowledge

It's remarkable, but if you were to assess the greatest threats to your business, your users would likely rank high on that list. Human error poses a significant challenge to your security because cybercriminals exploit your employees' fallibility and proneness to mistakes.

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This 1996 Conceptual Essay on IT Support Gives Us the Warm Fuzzies

This 1996 Conceptual Essay on IT Support Gives Us the Warm Fuzzies

Oftentimes, a technology issue has less to do with the technology itself and more with the one using it. User error is simply one of the biggest reasons why technology support is asked for, and it’s such a common occurrence that it leads to many users becoming the butt of jokes among IT workers. People who provide IT support must practice empathy and understanding rather than foster this antagonistic mindset amongst teams.

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Use These 3 Tips to Work More Effectively with Your IT Provider

Use These 3 Tips to Work More Effectively with Your IT Provider

It can be tricky to speak to your managed service provider about problems with your technology. However, you can make it easier by following some simple strategies. Today, we want to share some tips that have helped our clients communicate their issues and resolve problems as quickly as possible.

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Three Variables to Address to Fix Your IT Budget

Three Variables to Address to Fix Your IT Budget

Concerns over operational expenses, particularly regarding technology, weigh heavily on many business owners. For some, these expenses can spiral out of control, leading to financial problems in vital areas of the organization. Every business needs to ask how it can rectify its IT spending to bring on a culture of overall improvement.

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How a CRM Can Change Your Business’ Customer Dynamic

How a CRM Can Change Your Business’ Customer Dynamic

Your customers—both those you currently work with and those you have yet to onboard—are the key to unlocking your company’s potential. Therefore, it stands to reason that you’ll want a solution in place to help you manage the interactions you have with potential customers. This is what a customer relationship management tool, or CRM, is all about. With the right CRM, you can fully leverage your organization’s customer base to maximize profits and attract new leads.

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Build Flexibility with Remote Access Solutions

Build Flexibility with Remote Access Solutions

Chances are, some of your employees operate outside the traditional office setting, whether it's occasional remote work or a permanent setup. Consequently, your business needs to furnish your team with the necessary tools and resources to ensure their success. It's a good practice to carefully evaluate the technology you provide, particularly for those who work remotely part-time, and to strategize how your team will access these resources.

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How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Tactics

How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Tactics

One of the most dangerous types of threats is the many phishing scams you and your employees could fall victim to. While it might be tempting to poke fun at the people who succumb to seemingly obvious phishing attacks, the reality of the matter is that some phishing attacks are anything but, and they are only growing more sophisticated over time.

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